December 9, 2021
Ah, the gift list! What can we give? Where do we find it? What can we make or create? How much will we spend? Time, energy, and money all go into our gifting, and it can be overwhelming and discouraging at times. Why? Because we have an inner longing to give fully and freely, but we also have limitations. We want it to come easily, without stress, anxiety, or strain. We want to experience abundance and generosity. Christmas brings all of this to the forefront, and we are bombarded by deals being dished out daily. We need to pull focus and reflect on the real gifts and how we can deliver them. Think about how you feel when you have something special to give someone or bring to a party. I feel eager, glad, and expectant. Maybe a little bubbly. On the other hand, when I am lacking ideas and resources, I tend to feel discouraged and inadequate. I can get down on myself which leads me in the wrong direction, away from ideas and inspiration. How can we reconnect with the source and get a refill? I wrote last week about filling our own cups with comfort and joy, and that is a great place to start. Then perhaps we can find our authentic gifts and creative ways to share them. When we feel empty and disheartened, it is a sign that we are unplugged from our power source. Think of that word: disheartened. Disconnected from our heart center? Miriam-Webster defines it as a verb meaning to cause to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage: to cause to lose spirit or morale. We can reclaim these through our attention and intention. Spirit is ever-present and ready to respond when we turn inward, breathe, and open our hearts. We may also need to reach out to a trusted friend or family member for encouragement, and this is often how the Spirit reaches us. As the power and light flow back into our awareness, we regain hope, enthusiasm, and courage. Then we have those to give. Think of that. Our life experiences and relationships shape and season us, giving us depth, complexity, and flavor. Our authentic gifts come from this soul salsa, the essence of who we are. For example, as I have been acquainted with grief and loss, I have also discovered the gifts of comfort and joy. In walking through painful and difficult passages, I’ve become equipped to walk with someone through theirs. When I am willing to face my fears, self-doubt, and resistance, I develop strength and compassion. In every experience, Love shows up for us in the way that we most need it. Can you make a list of the gifts you’ve received this year through all the trails you’ve trekked? Back to the Christmas gift list. What will you give? Where can you find it? Can you create something unique and authentic? You are holding the answers. Ideas and inspiration are in the air, and in the breath of Spirit. Ask the Universe for all that you need and desire. I like to ask Spirit daily to guide and provide. The things people really want cannot be wrapped and put under the tree; we know this. Those gifts are fine and fun; we all like slippers, good books, toys, and cozy sweaters. But don’t let them be a replacement for the Real stuff – the gifts of Love that sparkle and glow, uplift and inspire; and the soul salsa that gives hope, enthusiasm, and courage. Let it be a merry and meaningful Christmas, a holy Hanukkah, a royal Ramadan. Spirit is everywhere present, from the snowflake to the synagogue, whispering your name and wrapping you in amazing Love. Smile & Shine, ej Elisa J. Juarez