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Welcome to Spoonful of Salsa, a blog designed to help you create & cultivate a healthy and authentic life! Serving up spoonfuls of "salsa" for body, mind, & spirit for every season of the year. Here you will find recipes and reflections to help you savor whatever season you are in. 
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My name is Elisa Juarez,

and I designed this site as a creative expression of my passions for

writing, cooking, and healthy living. I invite you to read My Story to learn more about me and how

“Spoonful of Salsa” came to be. Then grab a spoon and scoop up some recipes for eating and living well!

Salsa adds spice, flavor, and zest to our food and to our lives. Not only do our bodies hunger for flavor, so do our minds and our souls. When we find that which uplifts,

energizes, and inspires us,

we have found the “salsa” for our lives.

My first book, Soul Salsa, was released in August 2020. It is a collection of reflections & recipes for every season, helping you savor your life
wherever you are. Click below to buy on Amazon!

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